“Can You Get Me Mainstream?”

I’m making a point to keep from making free advice blog posts until after a hard launch. However, upon seeing this, I decided to make an exception.

Brian Gross is one of my peers. When I was in the art department at AVN, he was Vivid Video’s publicist. He tweeted this today.


It’s a funny start to your day if you’re reading a British international news site. The journalist, Kate Mossman, is typically known for editorial content on entertainment, and politics. One of her latest pieces was in the science section. It was regarding fears of returning to normal after Covid. I’d say more, but of course, I hit the paywall typical of high end serious news sites.

So, what does that have to do with your adult oriented company? That’s the problem. Notice in her piece on Gross, she’s been ignoring his e-mails for six years. As publicists, we can tailor the press release for more relevancy to an outlet. We can pitch directly to journalists. We can, do, and should maintain relationships with mainstream writers whenever we can. None of this guarantees your press release hits a mainstream news outlet.

I hear you saying, But! She’s reading and writing about his press releases here and now! She’s reading off a few releases from over the years. Clients come and go.

What you have to seriously consider when hiring a publicist for mainstream is the uphill climb that goes into it. I used to think it was so easy sending out one e-mail to a mountain of contacts. I’d shotgun it out proudly. For better odds, releases need to be sniper fired at targets. We need to dial it in, but even that is not a guarantee.

What do publicists like Brian do that’s so successful? He’s not so much using a shotgun, but instead kissing a lot of frogs. For every time he got a prince, there’s a swamp full of frogs who just skipped his release and moved on. That’s what we all do. The master fails more than the fool tries.

What really works is to keep going. We keep sending adult stuff to the adult press. We keep the momentum going. We keep the word out, and we still send to mainstream. And mainstream does read and keep up with adult press. It’s the hard work, dedication and commitment to the long run that eventually gets you out there and recognized.

Go Baby Go!


Day 3, Kustomizing

High Octane Heart, Porn Publicity, Porn PR, Adult Publicity, Adult PR.

When I worked at AVN, we had this outsourced designer named Jeff Lam doing covers. He drove me crazy, but there was something Lam did that stuck with me in a good way. He broke a major rule in the business. Typically, your brand is solid. When he worked for Vivid, he changed their signage regularly. There may have been a specific Vivid logotype used for correspondence, box covers, and such, and they did eventually settle down to one graphic, but Lam was constantly reinventing the look in advertisements and campaigns.

That will happen here. This is about movement, propulsion, and acceleration. The graphic above is simple. I just did it this morning based on the logo. It’s simply for the bug on your browser tab.

Meanwhile, I splashed some color into the main signage for the site today.

Salutations and Happy New Year!

Jay E. Moyes Photo by Chris King of Reel Seduction. Thank you kindly Chris!
Photo by Chris King of Reel Seduction. Thank you kindly Chris!

I believe in magic. Not so much slight of hand, or chanting over cauldrons, but that actions generate change. New Year’s Day is a moment to begin things to change the year ahead.

This firm has been started out of the ashes of my partner’s firm. I lost her to cancer in 2020. More will be revealed as the previous firm’s affairs are put in order and High Octane Heart is further fleshed out.

The mission of this firm is about acceleration. Horsepower for the public view of your project. This can be in the form of press releases, media kits, and social media, but I’m not above experimenting with new media. You’ll see this here as the year progresses.

With that, I should probably work on some signage and logos for this evening.

Best wishes always,
Jay E. Moyes
High Octane Heart Media and PR