Don’t Forget the Love

A phrase that needs to go away is “It’s not personal. It’s just business.” Rubber trees don’t care about how much you make. Automobiles don’t sit there and go “I hope someone spends a lot of money on me.” If you place a stack of hundred dollar bills on the moon, they’ll just sit there. Humans are the only ones who recognize the value of money and therefore all business is personal.

When working with the press, we try to remember that writers and journalists aren’t just covering us. They are trying to be recognized, just like we are. This is especially true in social media.

Thursday I got a press request from Cheyenne Davis, who wanted to talk about racism in porn and discuss the subject with sex workers in the entertainment business. I suggested some clients to speak with her and suggested some additional contacts. She happily responded. That could have been the end of it.

But, I noticed something. She included her twitter profile in the signature. I looked her up. Noticing her profile was adult biz positive, I tweeted out to some high profile associates in Femdom and asked if she could get some followers. They looked over her profile, and I got a resounding “hell yeah!”

ROI on this sort of thing is difficult. Maybe we’ll see her at DomCon next year. Possibly, it could score us an interview with Anne and Brittany from The Dungeon Store. We never really know what will happen until it happens. But I love it when it does.

Don’t forget to share the love.

Ms. Davis and links for her writing can be found at

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Founder of High Octane Heart Media and PR. Publicist, artist, and experimental soul. Previously publicity consultant and partner at Black and Blue Media